Privacy Policy
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Technology uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to ensure you have the safest shopping experience. SSL technology secures your personal information by encrypting it during your online shopping.
Since all forms you fill out on are secured with SSL technology, your personal information and credit card information will not fall into the hands of malicious people. The green lock symbol you will see on the right side of your address bar is an indication that your information is secured with an SSL certificate.
Standard Firewall servers are protected by standard firewalls. The computers used for communication management are specifically designed to keep information secure and protected from other Internet users. So you can be sure that you are protected when shopping at . SSL Certificate and Standard Firewalls work together to protect your personal information and ensure your security.
Safe Shopping and Our Privacy Policy does not allow your personal information to be shared with third parties or institutions. The personal information you provide to is not rented, sold or shared with any person or institution in any way. Your credit card information requested on the payment page is not kept on the servers of or the companies that provide services to it in any way in order to keep the security of our valued customers who shop on the site at the highest level. In this way, all transactions for payment are made between your bank and your computer through the interface. Our Privacy Policy explains in detail how your personal information is collected and for what purposes it is used.